Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit injections

rabbit injections

22 10:04:26

hi I have to give my rabbit injections again with penicilion i forgot how to do it acuratetly because my vet didnt describe it that well can you tell me how I can give mi bunny an injection please

Dear Chloe,

You really need to ask the vet to *show* you how to do this, rather than have anyone describe it over the internet.  But to give a subQ injection, you lift the skin over the shoulders a bit, making a small "tent".  Insert the needle into the large space at the base of the "tent", and pull back on the skin on the opposite side of the insertion to be sure the needle hasn't gone all the way through the skin.  Once you're sure the needle is (1) under the skin and (2) not protruding out the other side, you can give the injection.

Hope this helps.
