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hair loss, hind leg weakness

22 10:20:52

Hi, my bunny is 7 years old and it may be because of age that this is happening, but as of now I am not sure. My bunny has lost all of her air on her tail and quickly on her feet. She no longer has control of her back or feet. She has also lost a lot of weight, but she's been eating quite well. Does she have an infection? The vet is pretty expensive right now and I was wondering if you knew of any home remedies? I hope you can please help me.

Dear Crystal,

There is no home remedy for this condition, which could be quite serious.  If she cannot use her back end, please read this immediately:

including the link to Dr. Brown's article on the causes of this condition.  The fur loss is very likely due to incontinence and urine burn, which is covered here:

and all the signs you describe together suggest that your bunny could be suffering from problems caused by a parasite known as Encephalitozoon cuniculi.  This must be treated *promptly* with the proper medication (Panacur or Ponazuril are often used by rabbit-experienced vets) in order to give the best chance of recovery.

In the meantime, keep bunny comfortable on her urine-scalded areas with the instructions here:

But get her to a good rabbit vet ASAP.  She needs veterinary care, and because I know you love her, you will spend the money to get her the care she so desperately (and quickly) needs.  Find a vet here:

I hope this helps.
