Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my rabbits not well

my rabbits not well

22 10:28:06

i noticed this evening that my rabbits back legs are not working, hes just not walking or hopping on them he just drags them if he moves.  I'm gonna call the vet in the morning but could you she any light on this  ????

hello karen

unfortunatly this can happen alot with they use their legs so much, not just for running and jumping but they also use them as weapons to, especially in the wild. So this is what happened to your bunny, i think that maybe he got very scared ran and pulled his legs out of his socket. Its great that you are going to the vets as he will be in alot of pain. they may be able to just pop his leg back into place.

hope this helps

good luck
