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Is there something wrong with my bunny?

22 11:15:23

I am not sure if there is something wrong with my bunny or not and I cannot find any information anywhere on this. My bunny is just about 6 months old (and not yet 'fixed', though the appointment has been made). She is a holland lop, and tonight I noticed that she had some blood (it looks like blood) at the base of her tail, just below where her private parts/bum is. I am not sure that this is blood because it is quite red and the area is dry (I assume dry blood to be the same as human blood, in that it darkens when it dries) But also she is a bit of a messy eater (she is white and frequently has a bit of an orange mouth after a treat of carrot) and occasionally sits in her food dish without noticing, so this morning i gave her a strawberry as a treat, and her wood chew is red. She eats a normal, balanced bunny diet, and has not shown any signs of being in pain, and her activity and eating habits have not changed in the slightest. Do you think this is something to worry about?

Dear Sarah,

With symptoms as vague as this, I would suggest you take your bunny to a good rabbit vet for a full wellness exam, just to be sure all is well.  You can find a good *rabbit* vet here:

Unspayed, unbred female rabbits have a high risk of uterine cancer, which can cause bleeding from the vulva.  It would be unusual for such a young bunny to already have developed cancer, but it's not impossible.  But she still should be spayed in the next few months, even if the problem is not cancer:

Hope this helps!
