Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > He is still scratching ...

He is still scratching ...

22 9:58:52

QUESTION: He has already been for treatment but is still scratching his ears so shall I take him back? I'm still paying them so they probably will treat him anyway. And they can't let an animal suffer or they will be really mean.

ANSWER: Dear Melissa,

Yes, I think it would be wise to take him back for another treatment.  If you put a bit of mineral oil on the crusts, let it sit for about five minutes, and then gently pull them, the crusts should come off if the mites are really gone.  He might be scratching just to get the crusts off because they itch.

Be sure to clean off any excess mineral oil with a dry washcloth so he doesn't ingest too much.  It's not toxic, but it can have a laxative effect.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much do you know where I can buy mineral oil? Could I use olive oil or is it bad for him? And also sorry when you said pull them do you mean pull the crusts off his ears? Thank you again for your time! :)

Dear Melissa,

Mineral oil is the same as baby oil, which you can get at almost any good supermarket or pharmacy.  Just be sure not to overdo, and be sure that when you pull the crusts off his ears (yes, that's what I meant) that you don't force anything.  If he cringes or shows any sign of pain, that means the crusts are not soft enough yet, and they need a bit more of an oil soak.

Olive oil is okay, but really avoid letting him lick it off as much as you can.  

Once the ears are clean, you can keep them soft and pliable with a bit of triple-antibiotic ointment (no additives, such as topical anesthetics) on the raw areas, and just a bit of soothing calendula cream (available at health food stores) on the other naked spots that might be chapped.

Hope this helps.
