Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbits urine is orange

rabbits urine is orange

22 9:58:44

ok well i have a four weeks old bunny and this just started happening today but his urine is a oranges reddish color and all i wont to know is if that is normal or should i be concerned?

Dear Tyler,

Rabbits sometimes produce orange urine, and no one really knows why. Some suspect it's due to plant pigments in the diet.  But in a baby this little, it's not likely to be blood.

But at four weeks, your bunny is too young to be weaned, so be SUPER vigilant for any signs of runny stool.  Please read this for emergency information:

And if you see *any* sign of runny stool, consider it an emergency and get him to a good rabbit vet here:

Most importantly, for all the best information on the proper care, feeding, litterbox training, etc. of your new pal, please use the House Rabbit Society:

Your bunny will thank you!

Hope this helps.
