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My rabbit has a runny eye.

22 11:23:02

I think my rabbit either has an eye infection or Pasteurella (Snuffles).His one eye has been "runny" for almost a month, ever since I picked him up from the vet, after getting him neutered.He also sneezes some time, after he's had some thing to drink (I don't know if it's a sign of Snuffles or just a cold because he lives out side and it gets really cold at night).He has no nose discharge though.I phoned a vet and they think I should put him on BNT for an eye infection.My question is, do you think he has Snuffles, or an infection, and what should I do?

Dear Emily,

Better than guessing what he has, please read these two articles, which will put you on the proper course of action:

A runny eye only rarely indicates an eye infection.  I would try to find a vet who is more familiar with rabbit health issues here:

Why does she stay outside at night?  She should be inside where it's safe and warm.  This alone will help improve her health and disposition.  For more info on rabbit care and health, please visit:


I hope this helps.
