Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > no babies

no babies

22 10:28:01

hi sarah just wanted to let you know that we have not had any new arrivals... i was sure we would because all the timing fitted ( rabbit escaped. a month later shes pulling fur etc)
but it is at least 3 weeks since she started nest building and we havent had any babies. she is starting to get quite smelly now is it safe to assume it was a false alarm and clean her bedroom out now ? (she has also kind of destroyed the nest the fur is all over the place etc)
also is it possible that she has had some and eaten them? thats what my father-in-law said may have happened
Thanks again

hello ruth

If she doesnt act, look of feel pregnant ie have a big belly or acting agressive then she may not be pregnant and instead going through a phantom pregnancy(a false pregnancy).as she has moved her nest then im afraid it dont sound like there is no babies coming as it has been too long. there could have been a possibility that she may have eat the babies but only if you had seen blood?

i would go take her to the vets and get her checked out as they will know if she is/was pregnant for sure.

hope this helps
