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rabbits with ,maggots

22 11:21:47

I was cleaning out my rabbitr cage and i noticed that there was a funny looking worm thing, i asked my dad and he said it was a maggot. i dont no wheather they have laid eggs on my rabbits or in the cage,how would i find out? Also my rabbit hutch is big as i have three rabbits, it has four floors. So if they only go on the floor where the maggot was to pee would it affect them.

It is very likely they are only in the cage. In warm weather, fly eggs can hatch in 24 hours. Check your rabbit over for any areas with wounds or where poop has stuck to the rabbit. Those are the only places that a fly would lay eggs on, so if there is none of that, they would only be in the tray. If there are wounds or stuck poop on the rabbit, look for little white capsules. Those would be fly eggs.

The best thing to do is clean the cage more often during the summer to help keep the fly population down.