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My Bunnyy.!

22 9:51:14

My Bunny Has Been Grinding His Teeth Every Few Minutes And I Was  Petting Squishy Under His Eye And I Felt A Lump Under His Right Eye. It Isnt Noticable But Feelable. And At Hot/Warm Times Squishy Will Breath Really Fast. Is Squishy Sick.? Squishy Has Been Eating, Peeing, And Pooping. ????


rabbits often will grind their teeth when you pet them. If it is a light, fast grinding, he is 'teeth purring' which is a sign of happiness.  It's often a result of being pet by you.

As for the lump under the right eye, you might be feeling his rear molars or cheekbone.  If you believe it's something otherwise, I would take him into your good regular rabbit vet and ask them to look at the area.

At times all rabbits breathe faster.  After playing hard and running around.  After possibly getting excited you might be giving him a treat. etc.

As a general rule of thumb, rabbits are not in grave danger if they are eating, drinking, peeing and pooping (and by doing all these four, they by default also are moving around).  Any one of these four things go away or go abnormal, then it's time to start determining what the problem is fast.

If you need to find a good rabbit vet start here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.