Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > mama rabbit

mama rabbit

22 10:08:02

ok, i have a mama rabbit that just gave birth to five babies. Four of them died, but one lived. I took the mama and baby away from the father. The mama will not let the baby nurse off of her. I've tried everything i could to get her interested in the baby, but nothing is working and i don't want the baby to die. So i need some help on how to care for this baby rabbit without the mother.


don't force this.  Rabbits only feed their babies one or two times a day.  Their milk is extremely rich so it's okay.  You may never see her nursing, they tend to do it at night to keep predators from finding the baby.  Just give them a large space and let mama have enough room away from the baby.  She stays away on purpose - it's instinct - so as not to draw predators' attention to the babies.