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bunny friends

22 10:45:24

i have had a female unspayed bunny for about a month now, and my boyfriend just got an unneautured male, and we wanted them to be friends, but they don't live together. is it even a good idea for them to be together? If so, what should we be doing.

Hi Becky

You can introduce them but they both have to be spayed and neutered first.  Even if they are watched closely it only takes a split second and you will have an accidental litter.

I strongly encourage anyone with a pet rabbit to get them spayed or neutered anyway and this way if you have a long future planned together then you don't have to worry about your bunnies being old or in ill health when that day comes.  

If you don't want to have them fixed then don't bring them together.  Its just not worth it.  If you decide to do the surgery let me know and I can give you some ideas of what you can do to introduce them.

Good luck
