Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit blocked from water for 2-3 days...

Rabbit blocked from water for 2-3 days...

22 11:16:54

Our rabbit is kept in a small pen in our house. His cage is in the pen and he enters and exits it as he pleases. We recently got home from vacation (our cleaning lady had been filling his food and water) and I noted how much water snoopy (the rabbit) had in his water bottle. That was Friday evening. It is now Sunday night and I realized that the water level hasn't moved an inch. A cardboard box we have in the pen for snoopy to play with seems to have been blocking the entrance to his cage so he couldn't drink for a few days. I also noticed that his litter box had no new urine marks.

Immediately I took the water bottle and put it to his mouth, and he drank what I consider to be a pretty large amount. I also made sure that he could access and drink from the water bottle.

He doesn't seem to be suffering a great deal, as he was hopping around, responding to me, wanting to be petted etc... but I know that humans can get dehydrated extremely easily and I can only imagine that it is worse in rabbits.

Will snoopy be ok with the water that I gave to him and his continued drinking, or does he need to see a vet?

Keep an eye on him.  As long as he acts normal and keeps drinking now that he can get to the water bottle, there shouldn't be a problem.  If he stops eating or drinking for any reason then I would take him to a vet.

He could also have urinated somewhere else, hopefully that is what happened while you were out.
