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nest boxes

22 10:30:04

i have a female rabbit that is due to have babies around the 31 of may. im going to put the nesting box in on the 30th of may is it normal for her to use the nesting box as a litter box? she usually has a litter box in her cage but i took it out because i was afraid it would confuse her when i put the nesting box in. please tell me if i should put the litter box back in her hutch or leave it out until after she has her babies. i dont want her to do her business in the nesting box. thank you. millie

Hello Millie.
Well you are right about putting in the nest box in early I would put it in 2 days early just in case she delivers soon. I would not put the litter box in at the same time because she will get confused. Do you have her in a wire bottom cage or is it a solid bottom where the droppings will start to pile up?
If so You need to get some bodding like pine or cedar shavings and put some in the bottom of the cage  make it about 2" thick. this will absorb the mess she makes. hopefully she uses the nest box for her babies. if she does her business in there you need to keep it clean. she may also have her babies outside of the nest box if she is really used to using the litter box then you should keep a close eye on her when she delivers. Its a good thing she is due on the weekend so you can spend all day watching her.
Good luck...