Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Allowing bunny to play outside

Allowing bunny to play outside

22 11:22:23

My friend has a dog run in her backyard that I was thinking about bringing my bunny over to get a chance to hop around in the fresh air. My only concern is that since my bun has always been indoors would that put him at risk for catching fleas or mites? My friend does not chemically treat her lawn, so is it OK to eat the grass too? Thanks!  

Dear Kristina,

As long as the run is predator-proofed and no wild animals have been there to shed parasite eggs, it is probably safe.  Yes, the bunny could get fleas, especially if there are dogs and cats in the neighborhood with fleas.  But if this happens, you can treat with either Advantage or Revolution.  DO NOT use Frontline, which can be fatal to rabbits.

Eating the grass is fine, too, as long as there are no pesticides or fertilizers on the lawn.  My main concern would be parasites.  (It goes without saying that no dog should be in the run at the same time as the bunny!)

Hope that helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
