Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > not eating soft poo!

not eating soft poo!

22 10:38:50

hi i've heard that rabbits usually eat the soft dropping from their bottom, but my 2 male rabbits dont they leave it everywhere! and it is hard to clean up, the droppings are small, soft and in clusters, is this normal or have they got diarheoa? (or however it is spelt)

Dear Elle,

Please read:

If the soft droppings (cecotropes) are well formed, then they're just not eating all of them.  Some rabbits do this, and no one is absolutely sure why.  Some have suggested that the diet is too rich in starch and protein, so the rabbits leave some cecotropes.  Check their diet here:

Other possibilities are obesity or arthritis that make it difficult to reach around and grab the cecotropes, so they leave them.

Hope that helps.
