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Rabbits and heat

22 10:53:33

I have read that rabbits can get over heated quickly and have heat strokes and i was just wondering what is the temperature that is too hot for an outdoor rabbits to live in. What is the comfortable temperature for them?  

Dear Ashley,

Rabbits are most comfortable between 50 - 75 degrees Farenheit.  Warmer than that becomes uncomfortable, and once the temperature is over 80 you must provide a cool refuge, frozen water jugs, air conditioning, or other resource to prevent heat stress or potentially fatal heat stroke.  This is far too common in the summer, and so preventable that it's tragic.

Rabbits cannot sweat, and they have thick fur.  They do not tolerate heat well, and should not be kept anyplace where the temperature is constantly above about 75 Farenheit.

I hope that helps.
