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Sick Rabbit put down

22 11:18:48

I'm asking a question more for reassurance. I took my 7 yr old female, unspayed rabbit to the vet today because I noticed yesterday she was not eating and passing stool, also not drinking much. On top of that she was tilting her head to one side and did not respond to her name or hand gestures. The vet pointed out a huge mammery tumor on her left side and another tumor on her right upper side, along with smaller tumors. He felt she should be put down because even with surgery the risk of more tumors forming was high, and she was not responding nurologically well. I did put her down, and am hoping someone can tell me I did the right thing. Thank you.

Dear Denise,

I cannot know for sure if the condition was treatable without a bit more information.  If the masses on the bunny were absolutely, certainly cancers, and not abscesses (which, in rabbits, are very hard and solid, and may feel like tumors to a vet with little rabbit experience), then it was probably best for her to go to rest.  If she was showing neurological involvement, it's possible that a cancer had spread to her other organs, and trying to treat them would have caused her more suffering than it would have saved her.

If, however, the masses were abscesses, they could potentially have been treated.  Without knowing more about the masses, I cannot say.

I am very sorry about your sad loss.  I know it comes too late to help your sweet friend, but spaying does drastically reduce the risk of uterine and mammary cancers.  If another bunny ever comes into your life, I hope you will consider it.

Your bunny lived a good, long life, though I know it feels as if it was much too short.  She had your love for her whole life, which is more than most rabbits ever have.  I hope the pain will soon be replaced by the happy memories you shared.

I hope this helps.
