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My rabbit is constantly Sneezing

22 11:21:49

I took my rabbit Thumper (4 months old) to the vet about 2 weeks ago because he was sneezing a lot.  She gave him Diphenhydramine (benedryl).  It wasn't working so I took him back and she gave him Baytril for 14 days.  He was still sneezing and then he went back to the vet again.  She said that his nose wasn't running any more and to continue with the Baytril and to keep giving him the bendryl because it is allergies.  She also gave me benebac to give him.  
Is it safe to give him all these medications in the same day?  Can he really have allergies?  He is still sneezing and I am not sure what to do anymore.

Dear Jennifer,

The medications you describe are all safe for rabbits, and can be given together without harm.

Still, I sometimes wonder if physycians and vets just use the "allergy" line when *they're* not sure what's wrong, either.  It's exceedingly hard to verify allergies without expensive tests, and it's *far* more likely that the bunny has an upper respiratory infection caused by bacteria that might be somewhat resistant to the Baytril.  Please read:


so you'll know what to ask the vet (I'd ask for a culture and sensitivity!).  And if you feel the vet isn't as experienced with rabbits as you'd hope, you can find another vet here for a second opinion:

I hope this helps.
