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Hello, This is the situation...

22 11:38:07

Hello, This is the situation in currently in.

Me and my two brothers got our own rabbits about 2 months ago. So combined thats Three rabbits. They all currently live in the same outdoor cage. When we bought the rabbits from the petstore we were told that all three were females, but a while back I saw one rabbit running back and fourth mounting the other two rabbits franticly. I was very shocked. So I did some research on sexing rabbits, come to find out, that ones a BOY!. I'm not an expert but im 95% sure that he is. In the past week or so ive started to notice the other 2 rabbits gaining weight, but I have not seen any nesting behaviors yet.

Really what I need is some TIPS on taking care of pregnant rabbits,birthing etc. I know quiet a bit from what ive read. But im sure that there is much more to know. Right now they are all currently in the same cage together, I know I will need to seperate them when they are near the end of pregnancy. But is it ok if i leave the 2 females in the same cage(2x3)? I'm getting another cage sometimes soon, by next friday at the latest, so I can seperate them as soon as I get it. The rabbits were probably about 4-6 weeks when we first got them, and we've had them for 2 months, so they are 3-4 months old. Is this too young to give birth? From what I know, they are dwarfs, im not sure exactly which kind of dwarf though, one of them (the male) looks like a netherland dwarf. Not sure about the other 2, which are slightly heavier (because they are females)..

Any help/tips will be appreciated.
   - Thanks in advance, Eric.

Hi Eric,

You are going to have to put all three of your rabbits in separate cages. The females cannot stay together because they will get aggressive and fight, maybe kill each other's babies, etc.
They really shouldn't be allowed to breed until they are at least 6 months old. By then they are mature enough to look after their young. Truthfully, with mothers this young, the babies will probably not survive.
Just in case they do decide to look after their young, provide lots of hay for nestbuilding. Leave the rest to them.

Hope this Helps