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Fur Mite Treatment

22 10:44:34

What dosage of Revolution is safe for rabbits?  Is it the same as for cats?  We have a buck and a doe that have developed a fur mite problem.  Neither has severe fur loss yet, but there are large scaly areas at the base of the fur.  Unfortunately, the doe has a 4-week-old baby.  Is it safe to treat the doe and expose the unweaned baby?  Or should we wait until the baby is older?  We have moved the rabbits and cleaned the barn thoroughly and are waiting to move them back once we start treatment.

Dear Joyce,

We have used 6-9 drops on the back of the neck of a medium sized rabbit with good results.  All the solutions of Revolution, no matter what size tube you buy, are the same concentration, so it's the number of drops that matters.

In my experience, babies are not harmed by exposure to Revolution.  We have used it on very small cottontail babies (two weeks old) and seen only good results.  The only contraindication to using Revolution on a rabbit is if there is any sign that the blood/brain barrier might be compromised, such as head tilt, known head trauma, etc.

As with any prescription medication, you should use Revolution under the supervision of an experienced rabbit vet, whom you can find here:

Hope that helps!