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ab/cd rabbits

22 10:53:36

QUESTION: hi the female has been fixed, touch and go after the op, she has more energy now. the vet said the male needs to get
done, as he has started to thrump his foot  a lot, what do you think?


it will be good to get your boy done as soon as you can.  You won't be able to even think about putting them back together for about a month after he is neutered anyways.  It will also start to cut down on his sexual frustration.

As long as he's a good rabbit vet, I'd probably schedule him for the neuter procedure.  If I was concerned that the vet isn't that great with rabbits I'd look arond for another that is better.  Go to:

if you think you need to look for another vet more specialized with rabbits.

Glad to hear your gal is doing okay now.  You've probably doubled her lifespan by doing this.  Also she'll probably be a much sweeter gal than she would've been - less cage aggression, that kind of thing.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ab likes bread. lettuce/ cd likes apple. what is the best food daily should i give them.

Hi Pam,

I will give you a brief overview and links to the House Rabbit Society articles on nutrition.

1.  Unlimited hay (timothy or orchard grass hay).  This should be what they eat the most of every day.

2.  food pellets.  Timothy pellets without extra crap like seeds, fruit, corn, etc.  Just food pellets.  1/8-1/4 cup per 5 pounds body weight per day.

3.  Good safe greens.  Romaine lettuce, red or green leaf lettuce, italian parsley.  Up to 1/2 cup per 5 pounds body weight per day.  NEVER give iceberg lettuce - it's junk.

4.  Treats, sparingly.  1-2 cheerios per day max. A very small pinch of oats (not instant oats, regular oats).  Very small pieces of fruit (recommend papaya pieces).  One baby carrot a day max.  

For extensive articles on nutrition and foods, go to the House Rabbit Society, and in their main page search engine do searches on "diet" and "nutrition".  You'll get lots of good articles on healthy diets and proportions.  Save them, print them out and keep them handy.
