Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > LITTER TRAY EMPTYING


22 10:41:53

Hi Dana

I have a 6 month year old female dwarf lop houserabbit.  She is extremely friendly and playful and to all extents very clean in her hutch.  She has a plastic hutch with a mat on the base.  Her litter tray is tied onto one corner and the issue is with this.  Although she uses the litter tray 100% of the time she does something very strange.  she lifts back the corner of the mat and then empties out the litter tray, pushing all contents halfway up her hutch and under the mat.  she then puts the corner of the mat back down leaving the big bump of the litter under neath.  I have tried using different litters - wood litter/sawdust/bedding/hay/megazorb etc however she still empties the tray.  Obviously with her doing this there is nothing to 'soak up' her urine etc and there is a smell from the tray as a result.  If you have any suggestions as to how to retrain her to keep the contents of her litter tray inside that would be most helpful!

many thanks


Dear Fiona,

Your bunny is playing with her litterbox.  To distract her from this, I'd suggest you somehow weight down the box (a brick in the corner?) and provide her with lots of other toys and distractions, since this will change her mind (we hope!) about using the litterbox as her primary source of entertainment.

You can find out about good rabbit toys here:

This is good, too:

Hope that helps!
