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what species is my rabbit.

22 10:36:01

My rabbit is 3 different colors, white, brown, and light brown. She has floppy ears and her back feet are really big. She also has a ring of fat around her neck which i think is called a dewlap. Shes got kind of a long forhead and the area of her face where her nose and mouth is is very flat.Do you know what species she could be?

Hi Melinda,

I would suggest checking the American Rabbit Breeders Assoc. for pics of different breeds.  There are three breeds of sorta depends on her weight.  The smallest are Holland Lops and they are less than 4 pounds.  The mid-sized lops are mini-lops and they are usually in the 6.5 pound range.  The largest of the lops are the French Lops and they can weigh in excess of 10 pounds and are the largest of the lop breeds.  The dewlap is usually seen in unspayed females and is a pocket of fat used when and if she has kits.  Sometimes spayed females..and even some males....will develop a dewlap if they are overweight.  

Based on your description, I suspect you have a mini-lop.  Hollands are very small and Frenchies are not usually seen outside the show circuits as they are more a specialty breed.  Mini-lops are quite common.
