Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My rabbits are chewing on there cages

My rabbits are chewing on there cages

22 10:55:41


i have 4 rabbits and 3 of them are chewing on there cages.
What should i do?
And the bad thing is they are chewing the cages when I am sleeping!!
All 4 of them have there own cages, I let them out to run around and I give them treats. I take really good care of them and I love them but there chewing is driving me crazy!!!
Why do they chew on the cages???

Thank you

Hi Sarah,

some rabbits are just chewers, they may just have a lot of energy and want to get it out, or they want out.

I would give them some alternatives to chew on that may be better, like a piece of untreated pine wood, a hay cube, a hanging wood chew toy, plastic baby keys, etc.

Some buns just need a little nootchie to take some of their nervous energy.  

Now if you just noticed a change in their behavior, that they don't normally do this but are only doing it recently, be aware that in general, spring and summer are higher hormone times for rabbits (even fixed ones).  They may just be a little more energetic than usual.  It should fade out late summer if that is what it is.  Also, if you have changed routines lately or they are in their cages more than usual that could be it.  If the temperature around you is higher now, and hotter, sometimes that may make them more agitated.  

Write back anytime.  Lee