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Male Rabbit jerks head and penis is swollen

22 9:47:13

Hi Dana,

I have a male dwarf rabbit who is about 4-5 years old. He is a rescue so I don't know his exact age. Well, I noticed that he was jerking his head like he had to throw up would occasionally make a snorting sound. It seemed like he was trying to poop because he would put his head between his legs as if to pick up cecal and eat it.

I picked him up to feel his stomach and that's when I noticed that his penis was swollen and he had a little white bit of liquid coming out of his penis. He's neutered and as far as I know, has never had "those feelings" with any other rabbit or thing. He's grooming himself and eating, but I'm wondering if he could have a bladder blockage.

Please help. Thank you for your time.

Dear Mina,

You need to get your bunny to a rabbits-savvy vet ASAP to see if your bunny has a severe urinary tract infection.  If your bunny is not neutered, then it's possible you might have picked him up during a moment of "private arousal" when he had an erection, and there might even have been a bit of semen visible.  This does happen with unneutered males.

But if you are not sure, then it's best to get him to a good vet for a full checkup.

Please see:

and find a rabbit vet here:

I hope this helps.
