Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my bunny: large, oozing bump on chin

my bunny: large, oozing bump on chin

22 9:53:54

QUESTION: i have had my rabbit for about 4 years and she just recently
got this huge bubble under her chin , it started out small
and got bigger everyday, its  bald and has a scab covering  
the whole front of it which also started of small and got
bigger, i have no clue was it is and i cant get to the vet
anytime soon. Any suggestions on what it is or what can i do
until i get to the vet? i gave her a warm bath and she went
to jump out right before i got her out and she popped it a
little bit and now white gross sticky stuff oozes out of it,
should i squeeze it out or just let it go and ooze out
itself ?

ANSWER: Dear Chelsea,

This is an abscess, and it needs to be drained and flushed by the vet.  You can try to express some of the pus, but be *extremely* careful. If the capsule were to break and the pus to escape into tissues surrounding the abscess, the results could be devastating.

You need to get her to the vet for antibiotic treatment right away.  There is no time to waste, if you love your bunny. Find a rabbit vet here:

I hope it's not into her bone, as this will mean you're in it for the long haul.  This is a common location for jaw/tooth root abscesses.

I hope she will be fine.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: okay thank you, i make an appointment for her already so she is going in a few days, but now it developed into a hole in her neck? which doesn't look very good would that be still the abscess?

Dear Chelsea,

Without seeing it, I cannot know for sure.  It could still be an abscess, or it might even be the hole left by a botfly larva (a warble).  So the best thing is to have her checked completely by the vet, and give him/her all the pertinent information.

I hope your bunny will be on treatment and healing up soon.
