Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > a white bump on my rabbit...

a white bump on my rabbit...

22 10:16:17

Today my rabbit was shedding excessively which she has been the past few i was removing the hair that was hanging out and I noticed on her chest a white ball it was a bit crusty. At first I thought maybe she sat on a little piece of poop and it just stuck itself to her but I didn't want to yank it off and it be attached to her afterall. The bump is the size of a her poop just for an example. I'm really worried...I have no clue what it is please respond at your earliest convienience. Thank you

Dear Elizabeth,

Without seeing the bump, I can't really know what it is.  But if it's white and crusty, there's a chance it could be a spot of mange.  This is easily treated with Revolution (selamectin) from your vet.  For a good rabbit vet, use the list linked here:

It also could be a little scab, something covering a small abscess, or a healing flea bite. Any number of possibilities.  If it's small and moves freely with the skin, it's not likely anything life-threatening.  But if you are concerned, then have a good bunny vet take a look and see if it's anything that needs treatment.  Better to be safe than sorry.

Hope that helps.
