Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My rabbit has too many toes!

My rabbit has too many toes!

22 11:16:23

I was watching my rabbit hop around and notice one of her feet looked alot larger than the other. so i picked her up to have a feel of it and counted seven toes! will this cause her any problems in the future and should i get her checked over by the vet?

Dear Esther,

Wow!  Cool!  :)  Polydactyly can occur in most mammal species; It is an unusual genetic condition, but generally does not cause any problems.

I would not worry about it at all unless she begins to exhibit signs of difficulty walking (doubtful).  Just consider her extra special!  :)

You can find a good rabbit vet here:

if you'd like to have her examined and get a second opinion.  But I really would not worry about this if she is walking, hopping, and running normally.

Hope this helps!
