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Rabbits Wet Bottom

22 9:44:42

Hi, I'm coming to you today on an issue that involves my rabbit and her wet bottom. I've done some research and there's way too my possibilities for me to determine what's wrong. For a few weeks now, my rabbits bottom and vaginal region have been wet with what smells like urine. Her vaginal region has been swollen and discolored as well. Another thing that worries me is that I notice that sometimes her urine is red and she has what looks like bloody discharge. This is not all the time but I've noticed it quite a bit. I've heard a number of things it could be. Uterine cancer, too much protein in her diet, etc. I have contacted a vet but could only talk to the receptionist who mentioned getting her spayed. This is an expensive procedure and do not know if I can afford it. I read that if what she has is uterine cancer, that it can possibly be fixed with spaying. I've tried drying her bottom which seems to make it worse. I've used baby powder to dry some of it because I read that could help. I've run out of options and ideas and need some direct advice from an expert. Anything you can inform me would be greatly appreciated. Some other details are that she is acting normal, seems to have normal stool with the occasional wet stool if she has had too many greens. She does not seem sick to me besides her bottom and vaginal troubles. Thank you in advance for reading my question. - Nathan

Dear Nathan,

Short answer:  Get her to an experienced rabbit vet for a full exam as soon as possible.  As you say, there are many possibilities, and only an experienced rabbit vet can diagnose the problem with a physical exam.  I certainly can't do it over the internet.

Find a rabbit vet here:

Until you get her to the vet, you can use the butt bath procedure described here (I'd use the wet bath for urine scald):

Be sure to dry her well, and apply a very thin layer of *plain* neosporin (or other triple-antibiotic ointment, not cream) to the inflamed areas.  This will keep her more comfortable until the vet can determine what is wrong, and prescribe appropriate treatment.

I hope this helps.
