Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Fleas/mites need something till monday

Fleas/mites need something till monday

22 10:26:54

QUESTION: Hi!...I just got a 3-4 year old rabbit a mini lop he weighs about a good 7 - 10
lbs. we'll find out for sure monday.  Well, he is very itchy and scratching and
shedding hair.  I did find a couple fleas on him!  I made an appt. for monday
with a vet but thats like 2 days away!  What can I do until then?  I'm not sure if
I should put flea powder I have for the kittens on him cuz he's getting the
Revolution monday.  Do you think he may have mites?  I held him and now I
have little bumps on my arm.  Maybe it's the shampoo his previous owner
used on him or something?  What kind of brush do I use on him?  Can I give
him a short bath to help till monday?  What kind of soap should I use?  I
heard you can use regular shampoo like suave or dawn's dish soap.  sorry
about all the questions I don't know much about rabbits.  I thank you in
advance!  please respond asap.

ANSWER: Dear Angelica,

There is no type of flea powder that's truly safe for rabbits--even if they have a rabbit on the label. Revolution is definitely your best option, and if you can find a vet today who will prescribe some for you, that will be best.  Advantage is also safe for rabbits, but DO NOT use Frontline, which can be deadly.

It is also not safe to bathe him with any type of shampoo and *especially* not with a detergent as strong as Dawn or other dishwashing liquid.  Please read:

for more information on that.

If you can't get any flea remedies until Monday, then the best thing to do is carefully powder him with a bit of baby cornstarch (not talcum; but it's in the same section of the supermarket), which will help desiccate the fleas.  Then, with a fine-toothed flea comb you can search for fleas and physically remove them with fine tweezers.  Have a bowl of soapy/detergent water at hand, and dip the fleas into the water and leave them there as you work.  They can't get out, and then you can just wash them down the garbage disposal so they can't infest your house.

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: will regular cornstarch work in the food isle?  cant find baby cornstarch.

Dear Angelica,

Regular corn starch doesn't have the agents (e.g. silica) in it that allow it to sift easily, and it might become a sticky mess in your bunny's fur.  I would not use anything but baby cornstarch.

It should be located right with the talcum powder in a local market or pharmacy.

Good luck,
