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My bunny is depressed/constipated?

22 10:41:04

Hi Dr. Krempels,

  My five week old dward bunny has been inactive compared to her siblings for the fast few weeks. She always site by herself in the corner, and this morning i found out why. She has been using the strength in her lower half body (while in the lying down position) to poop. I often find little clumps attached by a string stuck to her anus. She doesn't seem to be eating but has repeated this poo cycle everyday for the past few days I've been monitoring her. She does not seem interested in food when I offer it to her and I've not seen her eat in 3 days. I don't understand why she is still excreeting if she really has not been eating. Is there something I should be worried about? And what can I try to feed her with to improve her metabolism so she poos regularly? Thank you

Dear Christy,

Runny stool in a baby rabbit is extremely serious, and must be treated immediately by a veterinarian.  You need to get her eating again, or she will die from dehydration.  Please read this immediately:

(first part, regarding baby rabbits)  and find a good rabbit vet here:

If she has diarrhea, please read this, and feel free to bring it to the vet, if the vet is amenable to receiving information from clients:

Time is of the essence.  Please get her to the vet immediately.  Her life is at stake, and she has already gone too long without seeing the vet.
