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Altered behavior

22 10:39:40

We recently discovered that our rabbit, Henry, is a girl by the development of her dewlap.  (Surprise, surprise!).  Since her dewlap has developed, we've noticed behavioral changes.  Though very well litter box trained at first, she's now pooping everywhere, and I think she has started grinding her teeth too.  She might also be jumping around and "thumping" a little more than before.  Is this just puberty?  Does she need to get spayed?  Are there any problems we need to look out for?  Also, how long should this abnormal behavior last???  Your help is MUCH appreciated!

Dear Leah,

Some male rabbits do develop dewlaps, so I'd still get Henry to a good rabbit vet for sex confirmation and scheduling of either a spay or a neuter:

You can find a good rabbit vet here:

And the behavior is normal for puberty.  Unfortunately, it will not likely change until s/he is spayed/neutered. So there's no time like the present.

Good luck!
