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rabbit screaming

22 10:01:08

Hi Pam:

Twice within the last month, I heard one of my older bunny (8 years old?) screaming a high pitch tone.  When I rushed out to the cage, she (not 100% sure of sex) was lying on her side screaming, trying to get up.  When I helped her up on her feet, she was a little off balance at first, but within seconds she was moving fine.  I remember her trying to lick/bite one of her leg a little.  

What happened to her ?  Do rabbits fall and can't get up ?  Is it her age ?  I am so afraid it will happen again when I am not home to help her, will she die then ?  Thanks for your help.  


Hi Patti,

A rabbit wont scream unless it is scared or in pain.  It sounds like your bunny is having some health problems.  You really need to get her examined by a rabbit savvy vet.  If you don't already have a vet you can try this site

Eight years old is considered senior but with proper health care rabbits can live well into their teens.  It is best to get her a full work up to see what is causing the pain.  It may be that she will need some medication to help reduce the pain.  Without a proper exam it would be really difficult to say.

Sorry I couldn't be of further help.
