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rabbit exercise

22 10:01:09

Hi Mr. lee
My rabbit,topsy, lives out side in a cage that is about two feet long and one and a half feet wide. i am worried that she does not have enough space to hop around and i can not let her out because she will just run away. do you have any ideas on how to train her not to run away or how to exercise her more please help.


she requires a bigger caged space.  Otherwise you need to bring her indoors and give her some space to be able to run and play in.

She requires bigger cage space regardless, 2 ft by 1.5 ft is way too small for living quarters for rabbits.

Do not let her out she will run away and she will not be protected from predators.  You need to either get a significantly bigger outdoor space for her so she can actually move, or bring her inside, and part of the time give her part of a bunnyproofed room to play and run and relax in.  at least 3-4 hours a day.