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Help our bunny bites

22 10:20:55

Hi,, we got given our rabbit from a friend because they found him, he is a lop eared rabbit.. He always runs at my daughter who is 3 and bites her but i don't know  how to stop him from hurting her because she has bruises all over her legs,, even though he bites her she still loves him to bits!!!!!!!! HELP US PLEASE

Hello Kristie

Rabbits will nip as a show of affection but if he is latching on and leaving marks it is most likely a behavioral disorder.  The best way to remove the issue is to have him neutered.  This should control his behavior issues.  

Since the rabbit was found by someone and was most likely abandoned he really needs to have a check up at a vet.  Rabbits that are in the wild for any length of time can host a numerous number of illnesses and parasites.  If you don't already have a vet you can attempt to locate one here:

In the meantime you can teach him the word no.  With a firm voice say NO when he does something he isn't supposed to.  They can be trained and will understand what no means.  Sadly some rabbits bite.

I hope that you can get him to a vet and consider neutering.

