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Rabbit making snorting noised and boogers

22 9:44:42

Hello! My 9 year old rabbit is making strange snorting noises and when I wiped his nose I found a white booger. He seems to be fine otherwise. Should I wait and see if he gets better or should I take him to the vet asap?

Dear Nova,

If she's producing white discharge, she has an infection.  Whether it's simply a bacterial overgrowth in the sinuses or due to a dental problem, I can't tell you.  Only an in-person physical exam by an experienced rabbit vet will reveal the source of the problem. But this isn't something that you should let go for too long.  The sooner she's diagnosed and treated, the better her chances for full recovery.

Please find a rabbit vet here:

For more information on the possible causes and treatments of this condition, please see:

I hope this helps.
