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care for injured rabbit

22 10:31:56

To continue the dialogue..
He is 3 months old and the mother is still breast feeding. They dont need to
feed but are for some reason.
There are only two babies. The other baby is currently bonded to mother.
Should i remove the only other kid and put her with him till he heals? For all i
know they are still bonded.
Also. Should i confine the injured rabbit to a cage while he heals? Or should
he be free in an enclosure? What do you think would best help with healing?
Do i let him out for excercise or for now just wait it out till hes better? Thanks
soo much again for everything.  

Dear Lauren,

This is a tough call.  If the baby's leg has been treated and stabilized by the vet, then he can probably be active, and not confined too tightly, unless the vet thinks otherwise.  Since there are only three rabbits, then the sooner they are re-bonded, the better.  But not if mama is seriously bullying the injured baby.  

For now, I'd put the injured baby right next to his family, with the cages closely appressed, so everyone can nuzzle but mama can't hurt the baby.  Then you can daily use the bonding procedures described in the articles here:

to gradually and safely reintroduce them.  I think the key may be to have a large space for the three, so mama doesn't feel crowded and the baby can get out of her way if she's harrassing him.  If you have a spare room where they can be out of a cage, that would be ideal.  But this is only if the injured baby's leg has already been treated and is stable so it can't be injured by more activity.

Hope this helps.
