Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > I have a question about if my rabbit is pregnent or not

I have a question about if my rabbit is pregnent or not

22 10:57:34

hi, my rabbit is shedding an awful lot and she isn't making a nest i really don't think, when ever i am holding her i feel like a rabbit myself i get so full of hair. i don't know what to do and brushing her doesn't help. do you think that she is pregnant?  

Dear Mallory,

Shedding is not a sign of pregnancy, so if that's the only symptom you see, I would not worry.  Just be sure to groom all the loose fur off (moisten your hands and rub the fur off, roll it off your palms, and do it over and over until the fur is almost all off) so she ingests as little as possible.  Be sure to provide unlimited fresh grass hay, lots of fresh water in a bowl, and lots of fresh green leafies to keep her intestines healthy and able to push through ingested hair.

Hope that helps.
