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Poppy Moulting? Or is it something serious?

22 11:27:43

H there....hope you can help me out.
I have a fuzzy lop, Poppy...she is about a year plus..and lately i realised she has been shedding fur excessively and now she has uneven patches of fur..i am worried..she still seems to be eating and hops around still.
Can it be herr diet?
I used to feed her Sluis with Omega 3 but now i switched to oxbow having heard it was better choice.

Aishah, for a rabbit to be losing hair evenly is normal. That is shedding. Your rabbit seems to have a little bigger problem perhaps. Is she bald in any spots? Or is her wool just uneven?

I suggest this... Try to cut/clip all of her wool to the same length, perhaps an inch long. Watch it grow over the next few weeks and see if it is just uneven growth (unusual but not a real worry), or if she continues to lose bunches of it.

The worst case I can think of is that she may have some 'mange mites'. Look this up on the internet. If that seems to be it, then get her to a vet to prescribe a treatment. I am not familiar with the feeds you mention. Any good reputable standard rabbit feed should be sufficient. I looked up Oxbow at a rabbit medicine site and they seem to love it. Changing the feed may resolve the problem.

The site is:
Why don't you log on to that site and see if anyone else has some suggestions for you?  regards, Steve