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Rabbit leaky eyes

22 10:29:25

The rabbit seam healthy except that it has white liquid coming from his eyes almost like milk, a male about 3 years old and has been neuter. Any help on this would be much appreciated. Thank You. Maurice

Hi Maurice,

if the discharge is that white and milky, he's got some kind of infection in his sinuses.  These kinds of infections do not just go away on their own.  They require prescription antibiotics to get rid of the infection.

You need to visit your regular, good rabbit vet.  If you don't have a regular good rabbit vet (not all vets are good rabbit vets) start here:

and find a House Rabbit Society-recommended vet near you.

I would strongly recommend asking the vet to do a "culture and sensitivity test" in order to determine the antibiotic that will work best against the particular bacterial strain your rabbit has.  The vet will pick the best antibiotic for the infection, but also the safest one for your rabbit.  It will save you money in the long run.

Also, give your rabbit the full prescription, even if he appears well.  You want to give him doses until they are all gone, because otherwise the infection may still be there and come back stronger.
