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drinking water for rabbits

22 11:24:48

We have two pair of rabbits with each pair in attached cages. One pair is about 4 months older than the other. We have given both pairs water bottles which they don't use and have given them dishes of water which they ignore. They eat lots of vegetables, mostly carrots and Romaine lettuce, and fresh hay, seem very healthy but I worry about their lack of interest in water.They are outside; the back half of each cage is enclosed wood with lots of hay. Now that it is below freezing, the water freezes up every day. Should I worry about the lack of interest in water?

Rabbits can get water from their veggies but they really need another water source even if they seem to ignore it.  I would still give them a bottle or bowl even if they don't appear to be drinking it.

Some rabbits don't drink very much water, and others will drink a whole bottle in a day.  Both ends of the spectrum are normal.
