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Ive had my Chocolate Dutch...

22 11:31:58

I've had my Chocolate Dutch bunny, Pookie for 5 months now and he is almost 6 months old. He lives in his cage in my bedroom. When I let him out of his cage, he loves to run around and jump but he usually spends his time under my desk or under my dresser. How can I get him to pay more attention to me and how can I get him to know his own name? I hope you can help me!  

Dear Lai,

If he's shy, the following information should help:

But note that a bunny doesn't have a personality like that of a dog or cat.  Many bunnies, though playful, are much less needy of constant attention than a dog or cat.  They like to be cuddled for a while, and then just relax on their own.  This is natural behavior for them.

Some bunnies learn their names, and others don't.  But one way to try to get him to make the association is to call his name and have a treat ready for him.  At first he'll associated his name with treats, but he'll certainly make the connection that That Word means something good!

I hope the article above helps with getting to know your bunny better.  Please write back if you have any other questions.  You can find more rabbit information here:


Good luck!
