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Taming my rabbit

22 10:20:54

i got my rabbit two weeks ago now, he's a lionhead and is 14weeks old. I've had problems litter training him but i think that's because he's young and hasn't been neutered.
However the bigger problem is that he always hides from me. sometimes i can stroke him if i'm feeding him but otherwise he's not interested. whenever i sit by his cage he hides in his hut.
i held him at the petshop and he seemed fine, and he was quiet for me to hold the first few days after i got him home. but then he started to struggle if i picked him up so i decided to back off a bit and try to get him used to me slowly. but that doesnt seem to be working either!
Should i just keep picking him up and cuddling him so that he gets used to me, or carry on tip-toeing around him so to speak? i'm worried that i shouldnt have stopped handling him- as once i had hold of him he was okay. but now that i am just trying stroke him he's getting more and more nervy it seems.

Any decent advice would be much appreciated, thankyou

Dear Abi,

Every rabbit has a different personality, and it could be that your little guy is just a bit more standoffish than some other bunnies.  But it's really too soon to tell, and with the tips here:

you should be able to win his trust.

We have one rescued Lionhead, and though each one is unique, some breeds have a tendency to have certain personality types (after all, they're all related!).  In the case of Rufus, he sounds a bit like your little guy.  He's very independent, and won't often come for cuddles.  But when he's in the mood, he's a real little snuggler.  Go figure!

One thing you might consider when he's old enough, and neutered, is to contact your local rabbit rescuer:

and set up a "blind date" for him to meet some eligible spayed girls.  Ask the rescuer to set you up with a very friendly, cuddly girl, and if the two get along, it's often the case that the friendly bunny will have a good influence on the shyer one.  Or if not, at least you'll have a snuggly girl to cuddle, even if your little lion isn't the gooshiest bunny in town.  :)

Hope that helps.
