Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbits upper right hand outer pink nail broken off completely

Rabbits upper right hand outer pink nail broken off completely

22 10:20:54

What do I do ?  I left my styptic powder back home.  I am on the road.  What can I do ?  Any home remedies ?  I need an answer ASAP ?

Thank you so much in advance.  It's my rabbit named "Whiskey".  I love her.  It's like my third child.

Kindest Regards,

William Haedo
866-460-1590 (call if you'd like anytime 24/7.

This answer is probably too late to address the bleeding.  I assume that it has stopped by now.

This is actually pretty common injury.

If she bumps it and it starts bleeding again, you can get some cornstarch and put a bit of that on the edge to help the bleeding to stop.

To help with the healing, you can put some regular Neosporin on it (don't use the neosporin plus).

P.S., That's a great name for a rabbit.