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Can I give my rabbit conjunctivitis?

22 9:40:05

I have viral conjunctivitis, and would like to know if there is a danger of passing it to my rabbits. Before I was diagnosed, I did pet them in the facial area after touching my eyes. Am I being neurotic or is there a danger? They are elderly bunnies (8 and 11) but healthy. Thank you!

Dear Carrie,

Most viruses are very species-specific.  I have never heard of viral conjunctivitis being passed from a human to a rabbit (or vice versa), and would think it very surprising if it did happen.

That said, viruses jumping species is not impossible.  Just keep a close eye on them for the next few days, and if you see any sign of redness or irritation, then get him to a good rabbit vet:

for evaluation and treatment, as necessary.

Hope that helps.
