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immune system

22 10:41:02

hi, i am from england and breed belgian hares, lionheads and rex.
i would like to know if you have any tips on boosting their immune system, they are all very healthy but winter is setting in and iv moved the hutches into the shed and wanted to know if theres anything i can give them to make sure they are strong enough to get through the cold months.

Dear Natalie,

The only immune system booster I know of is echinacea, which is given 7 days on, 7 days off.  But that might be a little more than you need.

The key to keeping them healthy is to provide proper temperature, healthy diet:

and shelter from environmental extremes.  If they are going to be confined, then keeping the hutches extremely clean and free of any ammonia smells will be crucial to their physical and psychological wellbeing.

Warm nest boxes for refuge will help when it's really cold, if they are filled with soft straw and also kept very clean.
Rabbits do better in cold weather than in hot, but if it gets close to freezing, they rabbits may need a safe space heater of some sort to keep the shed temperature comfortable.  Ideal is about 20 Celsius.

Hope this helps!
