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Orphan Rabbit baby

22 11:35:57

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Today our cat attacked a rabbit baby. what should i do with it? he is 4 in long, about. he wont drink alot of the formula i got him. he is in a pet carrier w/ towles and hay!
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Hi Danielle,

If it is a wild rabbit and can run around, you are better off releasing it back into the wild. It won't make a good pet even if hand-reared. It will look after itself. If not, you should carry on trying to feed the replacement formula. Hand-rearing is difficult and often not successful though.

Hope this Helps

thanks for the info. he seems weak because he is no0t really hopping around. i found a better bottle to feed him with, and he's eating now. im afraid to release him  because he seems so weak and im afraid our cat will attack him again! how long should i be taking care of him?
Answer -
Hi Danielle,

As long as he seems weak, you will have to look after him but as soon is hopping around and seems strong and eating solid food (grass), then you can let him go again.

Hope this Helps

Thank you for answering so quickly! OK,I have some more bad news. Our cat grabbed yet another bunny! she must know where the nest is!  I'll try to keep her inside, but  do you think they are from the same litter? And what should we do with this one? i don't want to confuse them and overfeed one.

Hi Danielle,

They are probably from the same litter but even if they are not, you can still keep them together. They shouldn't fight if they're babies. You could put different colour permanent pen in the inside of their ears to identify them. Put the pen quite far down so they can't lick it though.

Hope this Helps