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Two female rabbits fighting

22 9:50:06


A problem has just arise last night as the two females rabbits which live together with a neutered male in the garden. Last night the older female started attacking the younger one (chasing and biting + urine spraying). Now the thing is that they have been living together for a year and a half and they've been coexisting peacefully. They used to groom all the time, however the young female has been humping the old one on a daily routine.

My idea was that the old female felt that her territory was threatened as the younger female was being increasingly persistent in mating or that the old one simply couldn't take the continuous mounting anymore.

I currently locked them in the hutch, however the young female is rather terrified of the old one.

Thanks in advance :)

Dear Nolan,

The most important thing to do first is to have both rabbits spayed.  This will curb or stop the humping behavior that probably started the fighting.  Once the girls have recovered, use the tips in the articles here:

to help you get your trio back together.  It will probably take patience and time, since the two girls have already fought.  But time and trying will tell you if the bond can be re-forged.

I hope this helps.
