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two male rabbits together

22 10:04:24

Hi there,
I have one male lop rabitt that I have had for about two years now, and I'm feeling a bit guilty that I haven't been spending as much time as I would like to with him at the moment, as I am in school. I still give him cuddles and play with him, but I can't during the day. I was wondering if I would be able to buy him a friend. I would prefer male, if possible. Can I do it without neaturring them? Or will they just fight and hurt each other? My rabbit is really friendly, the geltlest you could ever imajine. I just havent seen his reaction to other rabbits... Could you help me please? Thank you so much!

Dear Nettie,

Your rabbit may be sweet and gentle with you, but if you want to see his wild side, just introduce another male.  Trust me:  it is not going to be possible to bond two intact males, and even neutered males are a challenge.  It all depends on the personalities of the rabbits involved.

First step is to have your boy neutered:

by a good rabbit vet:

Once he's healed for a few weeks, you can contact a local rabbit rescuer to arrange a "blind date" with some spayed females, which are usually easier to bond to males than males are.  You never know, though. Sometimes a male/male bond will work.  But for *any* rabbit bonding to take place, the rabbit "parent" must supervise carefully and take every precaution to prevent fighting, which can be ferocious.  Please find plenty of great advice for bonding here:

Hope this helps!  You're a great bunny mom for wanting your bunny to have a companion while you're away.  :)
